

Apr 23, 2024

AI Takeover: Are Humans Becoming Obsolete in the Rapidly Evolving World?

Member-only story

Matt | Financial Imagineer





The rapidly evolving world of AI brings about new opportunities, threats, and perspectives. In my view, the whole thing is not too much changing, as we humans are still behind AI.

It’s simply a tool.

Yes, that’s what it is.

Like a wheel, a knife or a hammer.

To y’all afraid of getting replaced by AI: I can assure you, you won’t!

But hey, I can assure you run a high risk to get replaced by those humans who skill up and figure out how to make the best use of AI tools!

That’s the real threat here.

My two cents:

I’ve learned how to make use of AI on a regular basis in many fields and I’m happy to share with you how I come to my above conclusion.

AI is a reflection of human curiosity, as it’s born out of our innate desire to create, explore, and advance our understanding of the world.

However, in some ways it’s nothing else but a mirror of ourselves.

Take ChatGPT, for example.

So many people claim they don’t like the results they get. I’m bloody sure you’ve heard some of these comments before as well.

My take on this is the following: Isn’t it more a case of the user’s input than the AI’s output?

Like a person who’s never hammered a nail before and hits their thumb, it’s less a fault in the tool and more a learning curve for the user — until we’ve got a self-nail-hammering-hammer.

Get my point?

Yes, AI simply mirrors our capability.

Therefore it’s garbage in, garbage out; quality in, quality out!

Simple as that.

AI is merely a reflection of our own quality, knowledge and experience.