

Jun 01, 2023

Only brainiest people in the UK can spot the nail file in under 60 seconds

Research shows that mental exercise that tests your brain power with number or word puzzles may boost your brain's activity - so why not give this one a try today?

Brainteasers are notoriously good for your health - from pushing your mind to the limit to simply doing a few exercises to keep active.

Some test your mathematical skills while others test your eye sight and observational, the latter of which is this one. Developed by Capital Hair and Beauty, the aim is to find the nail file in a field full of bright pink and red nail varnishes.

If you can spot it in under a minute, then you have excellent skills. Can you spot it in the picture above in less time? Put yourself to the test now.

How did you get on? The nail file is circled in the photo above. Research shows that mental exercise that tests your brain power with number or word puzzles may boost your brain's activity. This reduces the risk of dementia, reduces day to day boredom and improves concentration and memory.

It's also great if you are looking to improve your ability to learn, your problem solving skills, and memory as you use specific neural networks. Your ability to remember relies on specific parts of the temporal and frontal lobes that are located behind the forehead.

It is a common mistake to assume that simply reading books and working out your taxes will be enough exercise for your mind, but in reality it isn't enough. Your brain needs a real workout that keeps challenging you and pushes you further.

As children, we all played memory games to begin our journey of learning and information retention. Guess what? By exercising the memory part of the brain through puzzles and brain teasers, we strengthen it throughout adult life.

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