

Jun 09, 2024

The Lincoln Lawyer Season 2 Part 2 Ending Explained

The ending of The Lincoln Lawyer season 2, part 2 brings a conclusion to Lisa Trammell’s trial, but there are more mysteries for Mickey to uncover.

Warning: Spoilers for The Lincoln Lawyer season 2!The Lincoln Lawyer season 2, part 2’s ending brings Lisa Trammell’s trial to a finish, but there are still plenty of lingering mysteries left after the finale. Despite the seemingly stacked deck against them in The Lincoln Lawyer season 2, Mickey is successful in obtaining a "not guilty" verdict for Lisa Trammell. However, while Lisa has been declared innocent of Mitchell Bondurant’s murder, Mickey begins to suspect that she has some other skeletons in her closet.

Additionally, the use of Alex Grant in Lisa’s defense seems like it might end up having consequences for Mickey. Yet the biggest twist comes at the end of the episode, teasing Mickey’s next big case in season 3. The ending of The Lincoln Lawyer season 2, part 2 was full of surprises, including the reveal of who really killed Bondurant.

One of the most important moments at the end of The Lincoln Lawyer season 2, part 2 came when Lisa Trammell received a not guilty verdict in her trial. But if she didn’t kill Mitchell Bondurant, who did? After the trial concluded, Andrea Freeman revealed to Mickey that Grant’s associate Walter Kim was found with Bondurant’s blood on his shoes. This suggested that Kim was the killer, although it was unclear whether he was acting of his own accord or if he was ordered to kill Bondurant by someone else.

According to Lorna, Walter might not have been acting alone. At her and Cisco’s wedding reception, Lorna shared her theory that Lisa was actually behind Grant’s attack against Mickey at the end of The Lincoln Lawyer season 2 part 1 with Izzy. If Lorna’s theory is true, then that means Lisa was acquainted with both Alex Grant and the mob. If this is the case, then Lisa was potentially the mastermind pulling the strings of Grant and Kim’s involvement in Bondurant’s murder after all, despite her not guilty verdict.

Throughout Lisa’s murder trial, Mickey used Alex Grant as a straw man, constructing an alternate theory for Mitchell Bondurant’s murder, but it appears that Grant could be more relevant to the murder than it seemed. The exact level of Grant’s involvement is unclear by the end of The Lincoln Lawyer season 2, but he was definitely involved somehow. Since it’s known that Grant and Walter Kim had been associates, it’s highly possible that Grant was the one who ordered Walter to murder Bondurant. However, whether Grant was the mastermind behind Bondurant’s murder or if it was Lisa — as Lorna’s theory suggests — remains unconfirmed by the Netflix series.

At the end of The Lincoln Lawyer season 2’s finale, Mickey was nearly hit by a car after having dinner with David “Legal” Siegel. The speed of the car seemed to suggest that it wasn’t an accident, but a calculated attempt to kill Mickey instead. During the dinner, the show revealed that Alex Grant lost his Olympic Village deal as a result of the trial. Siegel suggested that because of this, Grant might want revenge on Mickey. The car also matched Izzy’s description of Grant’s vehicle, so while it wasn't confirmed Grant was behind the attempted hit-and-run, signs point to the fact that he might have tried to kill Mickey.

After Walter Kim’s disappearance, Mickey’s investigator Cisco tracked him and discovered that the police found his abandoned car. While Walter's body wasn’t with the car, Cisco suspected the worst, theorizing that Alex Grant might have tried to silence Walter, so it didn’t come out that Grant had been paying him bribes. While this theory has never been explicitly proven, the eventual reveal by prosecutor Andrea Freeman that Walter is presumed dead seemed to suggest that Cisco was likely correct in his assumptions about Walter's fate.

Toward the end of the final episode of The Lincoln Lawyer season 2, part 2, Mickey finally realized that while Lisa might have been proven innocent of killing Mitchell Bondurant, she is guilty of killing her husband, Jeff Trammell. Once Mickey made this discovery, he went to Lisa’s house to confront her about his hunch, and Lisa’s combative response to Mickey’s accusations essentially confirmed the theory to be true. Although Lisa tried to defend her actions by saying Jeff abused her, Mickey believed that she had a more selfish motive for killing Jeff.

When Lisa and Jeff Trammell were divorcing, he wanted to take half of their home and business as part of the settlement. Lisa couldn’t handle losing her beloved restaurant and home in that neighborhood, so to prevent Jeff from taking it in the divorce, she killed him before their split could actually be finalized. To cover up what happened, Lisa buried Jeff in her garden, planting his much-hated cilantro over him, and she invented the story about him fleeing to Mexico to explain his absence. The ruse was effective until Mickey finally put the pieces together, uncovering Jeff’s tragic fate.

Jeff Trammell’s whereabouts were a mystery throughout The Lincoln Lawyer season 2, but Mickey finally discovered what happened to Jeff while he was at Venice Beach with Hayley. Mickey heard several noises that he recognized as being in the background of Jeff’s call, thus blowing the cover that he was in Mexico. After this, Mickey and Cisco did some digging into Jeff and Lisa Trammell’s divorce, and they made some shocking discoveries. Cisco found that Jeff and Lisa’s divorce was never actually finalized, while Mickey discovered that the man he met claiming to be Jeff was actually an actor and former employee of Lisa’s.

After finding all of these holes in Lisa’s stories about Jeff and Mickey’s own experiences with Lisa’s ex-husband, Mickey constructed his theory about Jeff’s murder. Lisa’s defensive nature while discussing Mickey’s theory seemed to be enough confirmation, but the final nail in the coffin came when Mickey made the connection between Jeff and the cilantro. With the secrets Mickey and Cisco uncovered about Jeff and Lisa, as well as Lisa’s garden, it became clear that regardless of whether Lisa killed Mitchell Bondurant, she definitely murdered Jeff.

Now that Jeff’s murder has been uncovered by Mickey, Lisa’s fate remains in the balance. However, a call from Lorna seemed to confirm that Lisa will be brought to justice after all. While Mickey was confronting Lisa, Lorna decided to trust his hunch and preemptively called Detective Griggs regarding the suspected murder, and he brought other officers with him. In The Fifth Witness book, the police dig up Lisa’s garden based on this anonymous tip and discover Jeff’s body. Assuming this will be the outcome of the police’s investigation in Netflix’s The Lincoln Lawyer as well, Lisa will be arrested for Jeff’s murder.

Throughout The Lincoln Lawyer season 2, Izzy has been attempting to make a career shift by opening her own dance studio. Though it seemed like this might not come to fruition when her chosen building raises its prices, Izzy’s dream finally comes true. Izzy even hosts Cisco and Lorna’s wedding reception at her studio, where she bittersweetly returns the keys to Mickey’s Lincoln. While Izzy will no longer be Mickey’s driver, that doesn’t mean she’ll be gone from The Lincoln Lawyer. Izzy will be staying on at Mickey’s practice part-time while Lorna and Cisco are on their honeymoon, so Izzy will likely still be in The Lincoln Lawyer season 3.

With Lisa Trammell’s trial wrapped up at the end of The Lincoln Lawyer season 2, the Netflix adaptation teased season 3’s story, which is shaping up to be one of the show's most tragic yet. At the very tail-end of the episode, Mickey was called to work on the case of the murder of a woman named "Giselle Dallinger" where he is to defend the accused. When Mickey went to follow up on the details of the murder and identify the woman's body, he made the startling discovery that the victim was actually his repeat client, the sex worker Glory Days.

Though the series didn't yet reveal exactly what happened to Glory Days in The Lincoln Lawyer, the books can fill in the gaps for now. In the books, Glory stayed in L.A. rather than going to Hawaii as she said she would, and she continued doing sex work. After an ill-fated session, she and her manager got into an argument, and the next day, Glory was found dead in her apartment. Hopefully, The Lincoln Lawyer season 3 will paint a clearer picture of the circumstances of Glory Days’s death.

While driving home from dinner with David "Legal" Siegel after the potential attempt on his life, Mickey was informed by Izzy that he had a new client, Julian Lacosse. When Mickey met with him in prison, Julian explained that the lawyer was recommended to him by his friend Giselle Dallinger. Julian said he had been accused of killing her but affirmed his innocence. Though not much is known about Julian yet in Netflix's The Lincoln Lawyer, Mickey’s newest client will likely be a major focus of season 3.

After Mickey’s meeting with Julian Lacosse, he discovered that "Giselle Dallinger" was actually Glory Days. However, it remains a mystery as to why Glory started going by that name. The new name was probably for Glory’s safety, especially after her near-death experience with Russell during The Lincoln Lawyer season 2, part 1. Russell’s murder attempt brought Glory face-to-face with the potential dangers of her line of work, which was likely what precipitated her decision to choose a new name. Unfortunately for Glory, the Giselle Dallinger name didn’t bring her protection. But hopefully, Mickey will be able to get justice for her in the next season of The Lincoln Lawyer.

The Lincoln LawyerThe Lincoln Lawyer